Thursday, June 26, 2008

"You Might Think" by the Cars

"You Might Think" was the first music video I ever saw. This was the time when MTV was THE hottest thing in the universe and of course my parents forbade me from watching it . Granted I was only 8 years old, but I remember having to endure the recap of the Michael Jackson "Thriller" video by my elementary school chums on a daily basis. In fact, I never saw "Thriller" until probably 1992.

But there was a hot summer day where I awoke early and retreated to the basement of our house to watch cartoons, and as I was switching channels (on our analog cable channel switcher, connected to the TV by a wire) I came across MTV. The forbidden channel. And quietly I watched this video which enthralled me by it's combination of:

a) a catchy song
b) computer animation
c) hot girl

It was mesmerizing. And when it was over, I proceeded onto my beloved cartoons. But, I was hooked. And I knew I would be back again to see more of these so called "music videos".

Download "You Might Think"

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