Thursday, April 24, 2008

"Beautiful Day" by U2 and "As Long As You're Loving Me" by Vitamin C

In 2001 I was dating this girl in Somerville. Somerville was close to where I worked in Cambridge, so I ended up just heading to her house after work most evenings during the week. She had a roommate, so in order to disguise the sounds of our sexual encounters from the roommate, my girlfriend would turn on the clock radio. She had no CD player in her room, and this was pre-iPod era, so every night I was over she would turn on the damn clock radio which was always on some local Top 40 station. And like clockwork, every single time we had sex, "Beautiful Day" by U2 and "As Long as You're Loving Me" by Vitamin C came on.

Every. Single. Time.

For months.

And it drove me crazy. But she refused to put on any other station. So I dealt with it, because it was really good sex.

download "Beautiful Day"
download "As Long As You're Loving Me"

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