My blog will serve the following purposes:
1) To talk about new music that catches my fancy. Note that I'm a cranky 31 year old, and I'm losing patience with new bands, so there won't be very many listed here.
2) The majority of this blog will delve into the story behind my iPod. See, I have spent the last 3 years collecting every piece of music that has impacted my life. positive or negative. majorly or insignificantly. There may be long rambling stories about a certain song or something as simple as "I remember hearing that when walking through Zayre with my mom in 1982".
That's it. So, I'm going to use this space for telling stories. About the music that I love. And Some that I loathe.
-Kyle Frenette
Cool! I'm your first post. Welcome to the lonely world of music blogging. It can seem futile at times when you have no idea if anyone even reads it. I look at it as kind of like keeping a music diary of sorts that is left in a lousy hiding place.
I hope that my blog helped to encourage you to start your own for better or worse.
Professor Funkalicious!
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