Somewhere around this time, I was listening to WCCC around midnight to John "Ozone" Osterlind, as I normally did when I could. All of sudden came this song that floored me with it's heaviness. It was "Godzilla" by Blue Oyster Cult. Now, mind you, I knew who this band was. I mean, who hasn;t heard "Don't Fear the Reaper" 1000 times by the time they are 12? And WCCC also played their secondary hit "Burnin' For You" all the time. But to me, these were all recent songs. Now I know they weren't new, but I don't think I realized that Reaper was from the 70's.
So, I hear "Godzilla" for the first time, and I thought it was a brand new song. I got really excited. I couldn't wait for my friends to get acquainted with it in the coming week so that we could talk about it. Hopefully they would be impressed that I heard it before them since I stayed up so late listening to "the Ozone". But, no. No one mentioned it. And it wasn't all over the radio. Because, "Godzilla" was a song that had been released (as I later found out) in 1977.
I was a little behind on that one.
But regardless, it was (and is) an awesome classic metal song. I
mean, c'mon, what a fucking monster riff!
download "Godzilla"
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